UAW International Elections
2026 Direct Election of International Officers
The Monitor will work with the UAW and other stakeholders to assess potential reforms for the 2026 Election, and to prepare the Official Rules for the 2026 Election consistent with those discussions. In the interim, the Official Rules for the 2022 Election remain in effect, as amended by the Supplemental Campaign Finance Rules issued on December 4, 2023, as discussed below.
Supplemental Campaign Finance Rules for 2026 International Officer Election
On December 4, 2023, in consultation with the UAW, and pursuant to Section 12-1 of the Election Rules and Article 10, Section 22 of the UAW Constitution as amended on July 28, 2022, the Monitor issued Supplemental Campaign Finance Rules, available here. The Supplemental Campaign Finance Rules amend the existing Election Rules and memorialize the amendment made to the UAW Constitution at the 38th Constitutional Convention prohibiting non-member donations and capping donations at $2,000 per Candidate per member.
2022 Direct Election and 2023 Run-Off Election of International Officers
On January 31, 2022, the Court granted the Monitor’s Unopposed Motion for Approval of Referendum Results, and ordered that the UAW Constitution be amended to incorporate the “one member, one vote” principle with respect to IEB elections prior to the next IEB elections taking place at or following the next UAW Constitutional Convention. At the UAW Constitutional Convention held from July 25-28, 2022, at Huntington Place in Detroit, Michigan, the UAW amended the UAW Constitution affirming the “one member, one vote” principle.
Pursuant to the Consent Decree, the Monitor, in consultation with the UAW, developed all election rules and methods for the election of members of the IEB, which took place in fall 2022.
The vote count for the 2022 UAW International Officer Election (“2022 Election”) began on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, and was completed on Friday, December 2, 2022. Information regarding 2022 Election results is included here.
Based on the unofficial 2022 Election results, there was a 2023 UAW International Officer Run-Off Election (“Run-Off Election”), for the following three offices: one (1) International President, one (1) International Vice President, and one (1) Region 9 Director. The vote count for the Run-Off Election began on March 1, 2023, and was completed on May 22, 2023. Information regarding the 2023 Run-Off Election results is included here.
On June 16, 2023, upon completion of all internal protest and appeal procedures, the Monitor filed his Seventh Status Report with the Court, certifying the results of both the 2022 Election and Run-Off Election. The Monitor’s Seventh Status Report is available here.
Informal Notice of 2023 Run-Off Election of International Officers
On December 9, 2022, the Monitor and UAW issued an informal notice to UAW members of the 2023 UAW International Officer Run-Off Election, available here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version). This two-page notice provides key information about the Run-Off Election, highlights important dates and deadlines, and provides instructions for ensuring receipt of a ballot package.
Official Rules for 2023 Run-Off Election of International Officers
On December 14, 2022, the Monitor issued the Official Rules for the 2023 UAW International Officer Run-Off Election (the “Run-Off Rules”) to govern the races for International President, International Vice President, and Region 9 Director that comprise the 2023 UAW International Officer Run-Off Election (the “Run-Off Election”). The Run-Off Rules are available here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version). These Run-Off Rules generally mirror and/or incorporate the Official Rules for the 2022 UAW International Officer Election (the “Election Rules”) and the other rules issued by the Monitor in advance of the 2022 Vote Count. The Election Rules and other rules issued by the Monitor are available below on this webpage. The Election Rules will remain in effect for future UAW International Officer elections unless and until modified. Similarly, these Run-Off Rules will apply from their issuance through the completion of the 2022 Election, and will remain in effect for future UAW International Officer elections unless and until modified.
2023 Run-Off Election Questions and Answers
The Monitor, in consultation with the UAW, has prepared a set of 2023 Run-Off Election Questions and Answers in connection with the ongoing 2023 International Officer Run-Off Election of the UAW. These questions and answers are available here.
2023 Run-Off Election International President Candidate Forum
Pursuant to the Monitor’s Run-Off Rules and the Monitor’s Candidate Forum Rules, and in an effort to promote the informed participation of the Union membership in the Run-Off Election, the Monitor conducted a voluntary Candidate Forum for the office of International President on January 12, 2023, from approximately 7 p.m. ET to 8 p.m. ET.
The two Run-Off Candidates for the office of International President, Ray Curry and Shawn Fain, participated in the Candidate Forum. As with the Candidate Forums during the 2022 Election, Steven Greenhouse, American labor and workplace journalist and writer, served as the independent moderator for the Candidate Forum. Mr. Greenhouse is not affiliated with the UAW or the Monitor team.
A recording of the Candidate Forum for the office of International President, which was livestreamed and open for public viewing, can be viewed here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube).
Official Rules for 2022 Direct Election of International Officers
On May 11, 2022, the Monitor issued the Official Rules for the 2022 International Officer Election of the UAW (the “Election Rules” or “Rules”). The Election Rules are available here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version). These Rules will also remain in effect for future International Officer elections of the Union unless and until modified by the Monitor, in consultation with the UAW.
The Monitor’s Second Status Report, filed with the Court on May 11, 2022, focuses on the issuance of the Election Rules, and is available here. The Second Status Report discusses the development of the Rules, highlights key features, and discusses expected activities as the Union moves toward the 2022 International Officer Election later this year.
Ballot and Count Questions and Answers
The Monitor, in consultation with the UAW, has prepared a set of Ballot and Count Questions and Answers in connection with the ongoing 2022 International Officer Election of the UAW. These questions and answers are available here.
2022 Election Candidate Forums
Pursuant to the Monitor’s Candidate Forum Rules, the Monitor conducted voluntary Candidate forums for the following three offices: (1) International President; (2) International Secretary-Treasurer; and (3) International Vice President. All nominated Candidates for each of these offices participated in their respective Candidate Forum according to the procedures described in the aforementioned rules. Steven Greenhouse, American labor and workplace journalist and writer, served as the independent moderator for the Candidate Forums.
Recordings of the Candidate Forums, which were livestreamed and open for public viewing, are available at the below links, on the Monitor’s website (www.uawmonitor.com/elections) and the UAW’s website (2022 International Executive Board Candidate Forum | UAW). The Candidate Forums were held on the following dates:
September 15, 2022 at 6pm ET for International Secretary-Treasurer Candidates. This forum lasted approximately one hour.
September 19, 2022 at 5pm ET for International Vice President Candidates. This forum lasted approximately two hours.
September 22, 2022 at 6pm ET for International President Candidates. This forum lasted approximately two hours.
Constitutional Amendments
The Monitor conferred with the UAW to draft language amending the UAW Constitution to affirm the direct election system principle. These amendments were adopted for inclusion in the UAW Constitution at the 2022 UAW Constitutional Convention and are available here:
Vote Count Rules
On November 11, 2022, in consultation with the UAW, the Monitor published Vote Count Rules to provide information regarding the processing and counting of ballots in the 2022 UAW International Officer Election, as well as guidance regarding Observers who wish to observe the Vote Count (supplementing the Rules for Observers issued by the Monitor on September 2, 2022), available here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version).
Rules for Observers
On September 2, 2022, in consultation with the UAW, the Monitor published rules for the observation of the printing and mailing of ballots, as well as other pre-count activities (the “Rules for Observers”), available here.
Supplemental Rule for Phone Banking and Mass-Robo Texting
On October 11, 2022, in consultation with the UAW, and pursuant to Section 4-8 of the Election Rules, the Monitor issued a Supplemental Rule for Phone Banking and Mass/Robo Texting, available here.
38th Constitutional Convention Campaigning Guidelines
In consultation with the UAW, the Monitor prepared campaigning guidelines for those attending the 38th UAW Constitutional Convention and related UAW events from July 25-28, 2022, in Detroit, Michigan. The campaigning guidelines are based on Section 4 of the Election Rules and Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). These guidelines, which are binding on all Candidates and their supporters, were provided to all declared Candidates in advance of the Convention. The Constitutional Convention campaigning guidelines are also posted here.
Informal Notice of 2022 Direct Election of International Officers
On May 11, 2022, the Monitor issued an informal notice to UAW members of the 2022 International Officer Election of the UAW, available here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version). This two-page notice provides key information about the election, highlights important dates and deadlines, and provides instructions for ensuring receipt of a ballot package.
Forms for 2022 Direct Election of International Officers
The Election Rules provide that the Monitor will, in consultation with the UAW, adopt forms for use in connection with the 2022 UAW International Officer Election. The forms for the 2022 Election are available below. Each form includes an explanation and instructions on how to complete the form.
Candidate Declaration Form [Election Rules, Section 3-2]
Credentialed Representative Form [Election Rules, Section 4-2]
Slate Declaration Form [Election Rules, Section 6-3]
Multiple Slate Affiliation Declaration Form [Election Rules, Section 6-3]
Prohibited Contribution Return Form [Election Rules, Section 8-1]
Campaign Financial Disclosure Form [Election Rules, Section 8-8]
Leftover Campaign Funds Form [Election Rules, Section 8-10]
FAQs for 2022 Direct Election of International Officers
The Monitor has prepared a list of anticipated frequently asked questions, and answers to those questions, regarding the 2022 UAW International Officer Election and the Election Rules posted above. The Monitor will update the FAQs as additional questions are raised to the Monitor’s Elections Hotline. The current FAQs are posted here.
Webinar on Campaign Finance Rules
On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, the Monitor held a Zoom webinar for Candidates and other interested parties concerning the campaign finance provisions of the Election Rules. The Zoom webinar on campaign finance was recorded, and can be viewed here.
2021 Referendum Overview
The Consent Decree required the UAW to hold a secret ballot Referendum in which the UAW membership voted on whether to keep the then-current method for electing members to the International Executive Board (IEB) in which local union delegates to the UAW’s Constitutional Convention voted for IEB members, or whether the method should be changed to a direct election by which each UAW member shall directly elect the members of the IEB. The Consent Decree directed the Monitor and the UAW together to develop the rules, method, and ballot language to be used in the Referendum, subject to the review and approval of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS). In other words, the rules required agreement among OLMS, the UAW, and the Monitor. After consulting with, and with agreement or approval of, both the UAW and OLMS, on August 13, 2021, the Monitor issued the Interim Rules for the Referendum. Subsequently, on September 17, 2021, the Monitor issued the Second Interim Rules for the Referendum. On November 8, 2021, the Monitor issued the Final Rules for the Referendum.
On December 2, 2021, the Referendum vote count was completed. In total, 140,586 votes were counted; out of those votes, 50,971 members voted for the delegate voting system (36.3%), and 89,615 members voted for the direct voting system (63.7%). As such, the vote count was decisively in favor of the direct voting system.
On January 7, 2022, the Monitor transmitted its “Referendum Report” to OLMS. The Referendum Report, available here, summarizes the steps taken by the Monitor to oversee the vote of the UAW membership on the method for electing the IEB. On January 19, 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) endorsed the Monitor’s Referendum Report. On January 31, 2022, the Court granted the Monitor’s Unopposed Motion for Approval of Referendum Results.
Included below are key documents and information regarding the 2021 Referendum.
Court Order Approving Referendum Results: The Court’s January 31, 2022 Order approving the Referendum results is available here.
Monitor’s Referendum Report: The Monitor’s January 7, 2022 Referendum Report is available here.
Referendum Ballot Count and Vote Tabulation: At the conclusion of the Referendum vote, 140,586 votes were counted. A breakdown of the vote tabulation, broken down by Local Union, is included as Exhibit A in the Referendum Report, available here.
Final Rules: The Monitor issued the Final Rules for the 2021 Referendum on November 8, 2021. The Final Rules are posted here (English-language version) and here (Spanish-language version).
Referendum FAQs: Members used the Monitor’s phone and e-mail elections hotline to ask thoughtful questions about the 2021 Referendum. In an effort to broadly disseminate answers to some of the more frequently asked questions, the Monitor created an FAQ page document which is available here.
Referendum Forum Webcast: On October 7, 2021, the Monitor hosted a Referendum Forum Webcast about the 2021 Referendum. As described in the Referendum Rules, individuals and groups who had previously registered with the Monitor were permitted to participate in the Referendum Forum. The Referendum Forum Webcast was recorded, and may be viewed here.
Sample Referendum Ballot: Click here for a sample ballot.